Infinite Standup Comedy
Why do I keep doing standup? Why can’t I stop doing it?
“People don’t buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it.”
-Simon Sinek.
I think that to do anything one must first have a strong why. In order to keep at it in the capacity required to get really good I need a rock solid why. If we have a strong reason then we can endure much more pain and failure. My standup experience has been full of falling on my face in front of people. But I keep doing it because it gives me so much. I love doing things that are difficult well. I need an infinite activity to play and something to identify with. Mostly my why for doing standup is that I have to.
Before I started standup I had been an avid skateboarder as well as professional snowskater (it’s a skateboard for the snow, a snowboard without bindings). I experienced a few major injuries and wakeup calls that gave me the realization I can’t do this for the rest of my life. The death of one of my high school friends and professional snowboarder Aaron Robinson my world changed. He had lived his life full throttle the whole time and died doing what he loved most: snowboarding. This began to haunt me and I wondered, is this all I want? I began searching, I was looking for something that could give me the same rush as extreme sports but without all the physical injuries and danger. I needed an unwinnable game. I needed an identity and purpose.
Then I found standup comedy. Public speaking had always been my biggest fear, yet I always loved comedy. I had been a huge comedy fan. And I am a participator. I have never been much of a spectator, I like to be right there doing whatever it is rather than a passive observer. I needed that hit of adrenaline, I needed it to feel normal. I used to get by doing big tricks without the risk of physical harm so I could you know go work a job. Standup comedy looked to fill that for me.
There are two types of activities Finite and Infinite.
Finite Activity.
A finite activity is one that has clear parameters, a start, and end. Most traditional sports are finite. Like basketball or hockey. One practices for a game, then you play the game, then its over. There is some room for artistic expression within but usually there is clear rules end point to when the game is over. This is something that can be won or lost.
Infinite Activity.
An infinite activity is something like skateboarding or playing music, where mostly it's an artistic expression of the individual. Yes there are finite games within it but primarily it’s a lifestyle. Skateboarding can be an identity for many people.
The beauty of an infinite activity is that it gives your life substance. It is the journey, the flow state is what it gives. There is no winning or losing, it’s just practice forever. On the surface this sounds terrible, but it’s about letting go and being in the moment. All we have is this moment.
We often experience frustration when we think we are in a finite activity when really it’s an infinite activity.
Standup comedy is an infinite activity. It is not winnable and goes on forever. Every time I experience jealousy or frustration I must remind myself of this. Why do I do this? It gives my life substance, purpose, and community. I am so grateful for comedy.
“Standup comedy gives you exactly what you need, you just don’t always want what you need.” Corey Adam.
All we have is this moment, so just keep doing it badly until you're doing it well. I find my purpose in writing and performing comedy. If you liked this article subscribe to my email list below and please share it with someone who would appreciate it.
Thank you for reading, You’re doing great.
Bjorn RG.