(Im)poster Child

If I have imposter syndrome, then can I be cured? If I contracted it from school then how can I cure it? I think it can be by continuing to do my own thing until it's real. I think for me I must define what “real” is to me and then I can know if I have achieved it or not. I don’t think there is a traditional path.

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Bjorn Ryan-Gorman
How you do anything.

I heard this or some version of this (how you do anything is how you do everything) on a podcast and decided to try it out and the results were much better than I ever expected. It was truly incredible. I decided that for a week I would not pass things. If I saw something I would deal with it right then. No longer leave them for future Bjorn to deal with or hope someone else would. With this small shift in mindset, I noticed that other aspects of my life were positively affected.

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Bjorn Ryan-Gorman
Why I’m Back. 

What is holding me back with writing these articles? Am I just avoiding that first one? Maybe that 's because it’s not a good idea? Or maybe this is resistance being clever. I have written several of the other ones and its something I need to do, so I am going to do it! Here it is.

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Bjorn Ryan-Gorman